Signing Up and Getting Started
Navigating the app
The Sign in screen lets you create a new account or log into an existing account. You can also recover your password by tapping Forgot password?
Keep in mind that when logging into an existing account, you must use the registered Email ID and password for the account.
Profile shows your personal information and picture. It's also where you can edit your profile info and change your Account Settings.
Get to your profile by tapping on the top
left corner of the screen.
In Search option you can find all Tiwiw community members. You can find your friends who are already on the platform by searching their name or email or mobile number. You can add people to your friends list. You may also invite people known to you by sending invite.
Home shows a feed of friend’s upcoming
events shared with you and curated products from various partners. You can directly
add a product to your wishlist by tapping on a particular product post.
Friends shows list of Tiwiw community members
added to your friends list. You can create various groups by selecting different
friends from the list.You can view friends wishes / events shared with you by
clicking on a friend. You can claim / fulfill any of the friend’s wish from here.
This button lets you add wish, add event,
search friends on the platform and also check the wallet.
View Event shows you events added by you
and you can explore friends events and wishes shared with you.
View Wishlist shows all the items added
by you to your wishlist. You can view details of any wishlist item and modify the
details and settings of sharing and linked events.
Keep in mind you cannot change the details of the item which have been marked as claimed / fulfilled.
In Wallet you can add budget for the year for gifting/ giving and can track all the wish items fullfilled by you and associated spend detail.
Syncing Contacts and Finding People to Add as Friends
To invite people who are not on Tiwiw, Tap on
on the screen and select search.
Note: If the person is already on the platform you will get a message on the screen.
Tap Search on
page to find your friends.
To invite people to join Tiwiw, you can use your phone contact list:
Managing Your Friends
To unfriend someone:
People won't be notified when you unfriend them.
On Tiwiw all your information is kept private. People who have your Email or Mobile number can search your name on the platform and add you as friend. But your profile information, wish list, events are visible only to you. You can use Share with option on Add wish page to make them visible to others.
You will only be able to see the wishes, which are shared with you by your friend.
You can create group by selecting the people from your friends list.
You need minimum two friends to create a group. There is no restriction on the number of groups per account. You can anytime add or remove friends by using Edit option on the View group page.
You can anytime add more friends or delete the existing ones from an existing group.
You can change the name of the group or picture during before saving.
Managing your Wishes and Events
You create a new wish and map it to an existing event at the same time.
Note: By default any wish list item added will be visible only to you. You have an option of changing the share with settings at the time of adding a new wish or any time later using Edit wish. You will not be able to change settings once the wish is claimed.
You create a new wish and map it to an existing event at the same time.
You can edit your open / unclaimed wish items.
You will not be able to edit expired events.
Managing your friends Wishes
You will only be able to claim/fulfill open wish item, which are shared with you by your friend.
Tap on the wish item you would like to claim. And switch on the toggle button next to claim this Wish.
Note: Wish once claimed by you gets locked and you are expected to fulfill it. However you can unclaim it anytime. If it is associated with a friend’s event, try to unclaim it well in advance so that any other community friend can fulfill it.
Tap on the wish item you would like to fulfill. And switch on the toggle button next to Fulfill this Wish.
Note: Wish once fulfilled by you gets locked and no other friend can claim / fulfill it.
You are presented with the option of adding amount spent on fulfilling a wish. The details will be only visible to you and reflected in Wallet section for your reference.
Managing your Wallet
Wallet is a tool for adding your annual or seasonal budget for fulfilling wishes / giving.
Each time you fulfill a wish, the amount entered as expense will reflect in the Wallet. You can track all your activities and budget with this tool.
Managing your Account
If you're logged out of your account and can't remember your password, you can request to reset it from the login screen by just tapping on Forgot Password.If you're able to log into your account and know your current password, you can change it from your profile page:
Go to your profile and tap
in the top right.
Tap Change Password.
You will receive OTP on your registered Email ID
Enter your new password and then reconfirm your new Password.
Enter OTP
Tap Save.
Tip: To create a strong password, use a combination of at least 6 numbers, letters and special characters (like @, ! and %).
If you temporarily deactivate your account, your profile, photos, wishes and events will be hidden until you reactivate it by logging back in. To temporarily deactivate your account:
1. Log into Tiwiw app.
2. Tap or click in the top right and then
3. Scroll down, then tap or click Deactivate my account in the menu.
4. You’ll need to be able to log into your account to temporarily deactivate it.
5. If you don't want to deactivate your account but want to keep your details private, you can set your wishes to private mode.
To delete your TIWIW account permanently: login to web module using your TIWIW account credential.
You will see the ‘Delete Account’ feature on the home dashboard. Click on it to initiate the account deletion process.
When you delete your account, your Profile, wish list, events, likes and friends will be permanently removed. If you'd just like to take a break from TIWIW App, you can temporarily deactivate account instead.
If you have Tiwiw account, you can report abuse, spam or anything else that contains inappropriate, intimate images and messages within the shared wish post.